I will begin this post with a public service announcement: I had a higher college GPA than the President, and not by a little bit (Sure he was at Yale, but it still disqualifies him for the "Smart Enough To Be Prez list).
That being said, he's just a guy--a 70-watt bulb in a 100-watt socket--who is trying to do the best thing for us and for some other people. Because of his drawl and his inability to correctly pronounce the word "nuclear", he's an easy target. But he's no Nazi. We hear so many exaggerated and charges about things that can't even be alluded to, let alone proven, that I'm used to it: He just wants the oil, he's trying to make Halliburton rich, he's a cowboy, loose cannon...whatever. But I draw the line at comparing him to sociopathic idiots like that. Seriously, Hitler? He had a mustache...
Well, today I got the double whammy: not only did Bob over at I Am A Christian Too (nice grammar, by the way) compare Dubya to Hilter & Mussolini, but he said that Conservative Christians are oblivious morons. Ok, those are my words, but his aren't much better
These psychological studies developed a profile of the type of person likely to participate in immoral actions merely because a strong leader tells them to. These authoritarians tend to be submissive to authority and in favor of punishing the declared enemies of the authorities. Authoritarians conform to conventional behaviors, are hostile to minorities, and view themselves as more moral than others. They also aren’t very self-aware; it’s difficult for them to see their actions from outside the context of the authoritarian structure.
As you might expect, conservative Christians tend to score highly on this scale.
Then he goes on to exegete and analyze two out-of-context Scriptures very badly. He first takes a shot at Promise Keepers for saying that husbands should be the head of the household (Eph. 5:22-33). He cites Mark 10:28-30 as proof that Jesus isn't "interested in this hierarchical chain of command." But Jesus statement had nothing to do with a “chain of command”. It had everything to do with the fact that Peter was freaking out because Jesus had just told him that “For mortals it is impossible [to be saved."(10:27) Jesus was reassuring him that everyone who gave up their lives (read “lifestyles”) for Him would receive the blessing.
Then he says this, one of the most ridiculous things I have heard or read from a Christian in some time: "The Holocaust showed us that Paul was wrong when he he told the Romans that 'whoever resists authority resists what God has appointed'. Instead, our role models should be Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Lutheran pastor executed by the Nazis for his resistance to Hitler. Or Martin Luther, who risked his life by defying the Pope. Or better yet, Jesus Christ himself, who defied the authorities by submitting himself to them, thereby redeeming the world."
Paul was wrong? No Colonel Sanders, YOU'RE wrong!!!! If you ever go to the Bible and think that it's wrong, you need to come at it a different way. What the Holocaust teaches us about following authority is that you follow God first, and if the authority wants you to do something that is against God's will, follow God. Paul wasn’t wrong to tell us to obey authorities. He was right. He didn’t tell us to
blindly follow authority. He said follow the commandments, and obey the law (little "l"). This statement doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it exists within the framework of obeying God over all things.
Now on top of this, he's saying that Conservative Christians are blind and dumb for supporting President Bush, as he is this maniacal would-be dictator. But what would he and his progressive brethren have us do? The would have us give stuff to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong Il so that they'll be happy. Well, can you really be mad at us for supporting a guy who you insult by saying he's
like a dictator, when you want us to give presents to
real dictators who throw temper tantrums? That's just Il...sorry, ill.